We're Turning 2: Giving Back with Goodwill Hawai‘i

Partnering with Goodwill Hawai‘i to celebrate turning 2!
Thank you so much for all of your support to help Valia Honolulu reach our 2nd anniversary! It's because of customers like you that we can celebrate this milestone! We hope you can join us as we give a little back to you and a little back to the community in this event with Goodwill Hawai‘i.
We'll be partnering with Goodwill Hawaii on Friday 11/16 and serving as a donation site for the day! Bring in one donation item (preferably clothes, as we're not sure if we have the space for furniture) and get 5% off your entire purchase! Bring in 2 items, get 10% off and so on up to 25% off! Please note that this promotion excludes The Umbrella Collective and locally made jewelry brands. To make it a party, we'll be popping bubbly and snacking on some goodies from Chocolate + Vanilla Bakery!
Why Goodwill? We feel a connection with Goodwill. We love that their mission is to help create job and provide programs for career development. Plus, we love thrift shopping! The hunt...DIY projects...ah! LOVE IT! We also did some thrifting to purchase display items for our new store and some pieces were upcylced from Goodwill Kailua, Kaimuki and Beretania! Ask us about these projects the next time you're in store!
Here are some of my Goodwill shopping tips:
- Go with an open mind. Shopping with a specific color or look or item in mind makes it hard to see the possibilities. Get a general idea of what you're looking for (i.e., some type of seating) and see what catches your eye!
- Check back often and visit different locations. There are seven locations on Oahu and each has different things because the neighborhood where the donations come from are different. Donations are constantly coming in so you never know what you'll find that day!
- Make a donation before you visit and get a coupon valid for 20% off one full-priced item. Give a little to get a little. Making a donation helps you clean out your home and make space for something cool you might find that day. The donation coupon is on the same sheet as your donation receipt and the offer is good for 2 weeks after your donation.
- Take note of what color tags are on sale that week! Goodwill displays the colors of the week close to the entrance. Items with these color tag get an additional discount at checkout! They usually have on color at 20% off and another color at 50% off!
Here are some before and after of our Goodwill finds turned DIY projects!
Before and After of Our Chairs
Before and After of our Jewelry Displays
Before and After of our Window Display Table
Before and After of Our Mannequin